Mar Thoma Gurukulam

The Mar Thoma Gurukulam is one of the centenary projects of the Mar Thoma Students' Conference (1910-2010) in association with the Adoor Diocese and the Mar Thoma Dayaraya Samooham.

The project is aimed at:

* To train children as an active participants of Christian Ministry,
* To mould the children with ministerial expo-sure, in church consciousness and aware-ness.
* To edify the church with potential ministers and passionate ministry.

Gurukulam started its function in 2009 as a hostel in Thazhoo Madam, which is place where Rev. C Cherian and his family lived. Achen's family has graciously donated their property for this cause and assured their support further. For the healthy administration of the project, we are in need of funds for various activities like the construction of the New Building, Scholarship/Sponsorship of Children. Details are as follows. Hence, I request your valuable prayers, support and service for the this initiative of the Mar Thoma Church.

Curriculum Features:

The curriculum of the project is designed with special attention on the spiritual, academic and personal formation of each child.

* Special training for the liturgy and rubrics orientation
* Assignments for worship and related activities
* Personal meditation and Yoga Academic
* Quality education at the reputed schools
* Personal assistance
* Personal meditation and Yoga
* Healthy atmosphere for good learning Personal
* Nurturing certain traditional values and habits
* Organized programmes for personality development and counseling
* Opportunities to exhibit and nurture personal talents and potentialities

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